I would like to take a moment to address the hundreds of millions of voters in modernized industrialized countries that have their heads planted firmly up their asses.

I’m not referring to people who may disagree with the opinions voiced in this space.  If you have done your homework and have a different point of view, I am happy to have the debate.  I am talking about people who go to the polls without a scintilla of knowledge about what or whom they are voting.

The pundits refer to these folks as “low information voters.” When it comes to voting on important life affecting issues; I find political correctness to be wanting.

The most recent case of voter “headinanusitis” can be found in the “Brexit” referendum; where in a one-time up or down vote Brits voted 52%-48% to leave the European Union. 

This controversial topic had been debated for months in the press.  Prime Minister David Cameron had staked his political career on the outcome.  In the end the “Leave” movement emerged victorious.

The votes had yet to be tallied when the Google UK search engine became inundated with queries from Brits asking: “What is Brexit?” and “What is the EU.” Yes, these Google searches were conducted AFTER the vote.  Once the extent of the consequences became clear an online petition signed by over 3 million Brits was suddenly calling for another vote on the issue.

Apparently a significant number of Brits had gone to the polls with little or no knowledge of what they were voting for.  As the post-vote chaos erupted, buyer’s remorse set in.  As one unidentified lady said on camera:  “I voted to leave.  It was only later that I understood the ramifications of leaving.  Now, if I had to do it over again, I’d vote to stay.”  Hmmmm!

I know there will be people reading this that are thinking to themselves: “He cannot possibly be talking about me.”  So I put together a brief check list to help folks self-identify the symptoms of voter headinanusitis.

Is your only source of news is the crawl at the bottom of a single news network?

Is your primary news source the ramblings of friends over beers at a local bar?

Do you spend hours on social media posting stupid selfies and cat videos without ever perusing reputable alternative news websites?

Are the magazines on your coffee table limited to People, US or Glamour?

Can you identify every star on the red carpet…including their latest romantic interests and ex’s…but cannot name your local congressman, senator or the Vice President of the Unites States?

Do you walk into a polling place having spent zero time boning up on the issues?

Do you vote for someone just because you’ve seen his/her name on a campaign sign?

Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is superior to Obamacare?

If you have any of these symptoms, please do the world a favor.

Please do not vote.

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