Donald Trump needs a win. 

Trump’s campaign promises have met more than a little resistance.  Mexico is not paying for his wall.  His Muslim ban has been banned by the courts and his efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare have been torpedoed by his own party.  Trump’s new administration is struggling to get anything substantive accomplished legislatively.  Even the glimmers of positive news in the press are quickly overshadowed by the president’s undisciplined tweets.  Infighting within the White House ranks is rampant.  In spite of their bravado and protestations to the contrary…this administration is failing.

The voters that sent Trump to the White House are watching.  Many looked at the choice between two truth challenged candidates and decided to go with the outsider.  Not a passionate decision.  Not a mandate.  Just a willingness to try something different.

Trump is not producing as promised.  Voters are starting to notice.  Many are leaving. 

Trump won the election with 46% of the vote.  Today’s Gallup poll shows him with a 36% approval rating; the lowest of any president in recorded history.

That’s why Trump needs a win.  He needs to change the narrative.

Today he will sign yet another executive order.  It is the only way he can get anything done. 

This one will gut Obama’s efforts to address manmade pollution and its effects on climate change. The problem here is that most folks like clean air and clean water.  They don’t want to free up big corporations to dump waste and pollutants wherever they please.  Many of them were simply giving a chance to the lesser of two liars.  They don’t like the policy.  Many are leaving.

Trump’s failure to repeal and replace Obamacare is a political disaster.  It was a bad bill that would have hurt millions of Americans.  Trump didn’t care about the policy.  He just wanted the win.  He didn’t get it.  Voters noticed.  Many are leaving.

Trump says he’ll just wait for Obamacare to explode.  When that happens he says Democrats will come running to him to cut a deal.  Many voters don’t like the fact that he has such a callous take on the lives of millions.  The fact that he would turn his back on his party to cobble together a win with Democrats leaves many of the rabid seething.  He promised to repeal Obamacare.  He didn’t.  He promised to “replace it with something much better.”  He didn’t.  Voters noticed.  Many are leaving.

On Trump’s 100th day in office congress will need to raise the debt limit to keep the government from shutting down.  Trump’s base would gladly shut the place down to make a point.  But the folks who voted him in because he was the lesser of two liars do not share that view.  They don’t want to see another 800,000 government furloughs or the loss of another huge chunk of our GDP.  Trump doesn’t care.  He just wants a win.  Voters are watching.  Many will be leaving.       

Trump needs a win.

Maybe it will come via a Gorsuch confirmation.  Maybe it will come via tax reform.  Maybe a big infrastructure bill will save the day. 

Trump doesn’t care.

He just wants a win.             

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