Once upon a time American foreign and domestic policies were hardwired to a set of moral principles.  President Trump has ceded that moral high ground in favor of a world view where civil liberties and human rights are balanced and if necessary circumscribed against the scale of economic monetization.

Donald Trump’s far ranging “60 Minutes’ interview revealed both his growing comfort with the trappings of power and the alarming dearth of his knowledge of world events.  His denials of  man’s contribution to the science of climate change, his ignorance of the genesis, purpose and importance of our NATO alliance and his continued efforts to minimize the dangers and effects of Russia’s interference in our electoral process should send a chill down the spine of anyone concerned with America’s long-term prosperity and security.

Trump’s world views are particularly troubling when you consider that they are so obviously based on the economic impact they have on his family fortune.

Trump tells us he doesn’t know if the Saudis were guilty of the alleged assassination of an American permanent resident and Washington Post reporter; Jamal Khashoggi.  In one breath he tells us that he will be very angry if Saudi culpability is proven;  and he promises that there will be harsh punishment.  In another breath he praises the Saudi royal family, raves about the tens of millions that the Saudis continue to pay his family business and steadfastly declares his refusal to tear up a pending $110 billion arms deal.

Similarly Trump cozies up to dictators and despots in Russia, China and the Philippines who while violating the human rights and civil liberties of their people favor Trump’s business empire with hundreds of millions in investments and profits.

Trump’s monetization of America’s foreign and domestic policies for personal  gain is as blatant and corrupt as it is dangerous to America’s long term prosperity and security.  The situation becomes even more disconcerting when viewed against the backdrop of Trump’s complete ignorance of the world order.

I have never completely bought into America’s jingoistic manta of “American Exceptionalism.”  A belief that the world looks to America as its moral compass based on individual liberties and the rule of law.  If that were indeed ever the case it no longer exits.

Trump has reduced America’s alliances, liberties and moral turpitude to monetary terms.

American “exceptionalism” has a price tag.



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