I have a serious question for those who have pledged their unwavering support for Donald Trump.

The president just returned from a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania where he addressed a rabid throng of his loyal base.  During his remarks the president said that the ongoing reports of Russia interfering in our elections was a “hoax” perpetrated by the “Fake News” media.

The president’s comments in and of themselves were nothing out of the ordinary.   The president disparages reports of Russian interference on a daily basis.  What was newsworthy about his comments at the Wilkes-Barre rally is that they came mere hours after he had ordered the five directors of his security apparatus into the White House briefing room to tell the world that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.

In a stunning moment of theater, National Security Advisor, John Bolton; Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coates; FBI Director, Christopher Rey; Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristjen Nielsen and Director of the National Security Agency, Paul Nakasone walked into the White House press briefing and informed the world that the Russians had interfered in our 2016 elections and were in real time trying to interfere with the upcoming 2018 mid-terms.

So my question for the millions of loyal Trump supporters is this:  how does the President of the United States order his national security leaders to make a public spectacle of outing the Russian government as the perpetrators of a conspiracy to attack our election process and defraud the American people and then mere hours later declare that the entire Russia story is a hoax?

Please explain that too me.


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