These past two weeks will go down in history as one of the most important periods in the history of our republic.  The period in which we put to rest any doubt as to whether the Russian state successfully influenced the highest levels of the American government.

On June 27th the American free press produced documentary evidence that the chairman of the Trump Campaign, Paul Manafort willingly colluded with individuals closely aligned with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to influence the American presidential campaign for the purpose of electing Donald Trump to the office of President of the United States.  The recently unsealed court filings  document Manafort’s efforts to use his position within the Trump campaign to monetize his power and influence for the purpose of relieving millions of indebtedness owed Oleg Deripaska; to a powerful Russian oligarch close to Putin.  From watering down an anti-Russian plank in the GOP platform to offering private briefings on the campaign’s progress to pro-Russian interests…Manafort communicated his efforts through Konstantin Kilimnik; a former Russian intelligence operative with close ties to the Kremlin.

On July 3rd the Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee released the findings of its investigation into whether the Russian government attempted to meddle in the 2016 general election.  Unlike the Republican led House Intelligence Committee, the senate panel used its subpoena power to call witnesses and access correspondence, emails, tax records and bank statements to corroborate or refute witness testimony.  Upon completion of its investigation the senate committee found that the intelligence community was correct in its assessment that Russia attempted to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election:  “The Russian effort was extensive and sophisticated, and its goals were to undermine faith in the democratic process, to hurt Secretary Hillary Clinton, and to help Donald Trump.”

This ends the charade perpetrated upon the American people by Trump.  His repeated misrepresentation that there was “no interference…no collusion…a witch hunt…fake news” has been proven to be the lie that it is.

The current sitting President of the United States is the product of a covert Russian disinformation campaign aided by persons at the highest level of the Trump Campaign.  So says the REPUBLICAN led senate oversight committee, seventeen US intelligence organizations, 4 foreign intelligence services and 3 private intelligence gathering firms.

Done!  Case closed!

Think about that when you here Trump’s Republican sycophants in congress like Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy feign faux outrage as they try to discredit hard working law enforcement officers trying to get to the bottom of the president’s misdeeds.  Think about that when you watch the video of the seven cowardly Republican members of the Senate Appropriations Committee as they grovel in the presence of Russian officials in Moscow while refusing to even bring up Russia’s meddling nor its invasion of Crimea.

Today is July 4th.  A day in which we celebrate our county’s independence from the rule of a king.

A fact no doubt lost on the would be king that resides in the White House and the sycophants in his court.



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