The cowards in congress are at it again.

Faced with the choice of saving lives or securing their political careers; the craven fools on the Hill bowed to the NRA, turned their backs on the American people and voted “NO” on four reasonable gun control amendments.

While congress was debating these four gun safety measures, 50,000 mourners attended a massive prayer vigil in Orlando to mourn the 49 latest victims of gun violence. 

The members of congress do not care. 

While congress was voting “NO” on four sensible measures to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and the mentally ill, CNN was releasing a poll showing that 92% of their constituents favor background checks on gun purchases.

The members of congress do not care.

The members of congress do not care because the one thing the cowards on the Hill fear more than anything is the National Rifle Association

For those who do not understand the strangle hold that the NRA has on congress…a brief explanation.

The NRA is one of the most powerful, well-funded lobbying organizations in the country.  It is well respected by the millions of gun owners and extremely active in its efforts to influence American politics. 

The NRA scores (rates) politicians on their voting records on gun issues.  Receive an “A “rating from the NRA and an incumbent will find his/her campaign coffers filled come re-election time.  Earn a “D” or an “F” rating and that same incumbent will find himself facing a primary challenge from a challenger handpicked and well-funded by the NRA.

Many politicians will tell you that gun control debates are about “defending the 2nd amendment rights of law abiding gun owners.”  That’s a lie.  What they are really defending their seat in congress and all the perks and privileges that go along with it.

Make no mistake…Americans will die as a result of the “No” votes cast on these reasonable gun control measures.

The cowards in congress do not care.   



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