Today is Memorial Day; a solemn day on which we honor the brave men and women who gave their lives in defense of our country.  Unless you are Donald Trump.

If you are Donald Trump, Memorial Day is just like any other day; another opportunity to brag about yourself and make a little money.  For in Trump world, no matter the occasion it is always, always about Trump.

Trump just couldn’t help himself.  He could not let a news cycle go by that wasn’t about him.

On this most solemn day, our nation’s commander-in-chief  tweeted his respect for the fallen.  But he couldn’t leave it at that.  It had to be about him.  So after tweeting his respects he went on a riff about: “how happy and proud the fallen soldiers would be to see how well our country is doing today.  Best economy is decades,  lowest unemployment numbers for blacks and Hispanics EVER (and women in 18 years), rebuilding our military and so much more. Nice!”

I’ll give you a moment to absorb the inappropriateness of that tweet.

Ready?  Buckle up because there’s more.

Never one to miss an opportunity to make a little cash, the Trump White House followed up Trump’s tweet with an effort that brings new meaning to the word “crass”.  The Trump White House used the opportunity of this day of reflection to send a blast email to supporters hawking flags, hats and other merchandise. “Within the next 14 hour use the coupon code REMEMBER, to save 25% on ANY item in the Official Trump Store.” The email said.

Donald Trump, the only commander-in-chief in the history of the public pig-ignorant enough to openly politicize and monetize the bravery of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.


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