Passion or Pragmatism.  Which will voters choose?

Voters are angry. 

Voters on the left are angry. They cast their lot for hope and change but in their eyes got more of the same. 

The banks are bigger than they were before they caused the crash and nobody’s gone to jail.  The rich keep getting richer while middle class wages buy less today than they did before Obama took office.  More people have access to health insurance but millions still can’t afford the rising costs.  They wanted single payer/universal health care but the president took that off the table before the meeting ever started.  Our infrastructure is still an antiquated mess and Gitmo is still open.

Voters on the right are just as upset.

The guys and gals they sent to DC to control congress have been great at causing gridlock but not much else.  The borders are still a sieve.  Roe v Wade is still the law of the land.  Gays now have the right to marry.  The government shut down they caused just made things worse.  And the budget they past gave the store away to the Dems.  They want a Republican president but every time they get one he spends more money than the Democrats.

Voters are angry.  They’re scared too.

Terrorism is on the rise and it has come to our shores.  Mothers fear sending their children off to school.  Our phones and emails are tapped.  We’ve tried nation building, humanitarian aid and serving as the world’s policeman.  All that it has gotten Americans is a target on their backs.  Bush made it worse.  Obama pulled the troops but now the terrorists are coming over here.

Voters are angry.  Nothing works.

Voters, both left and right send experienced politicians to Washington promising to “fix it.”  But nothing works.

Who to send this time?

Passion on the left says Bernie.  Bernie incites passion.  Bernie rails against the machine.  But can he change it?  Obama thought he could.  Hope and Change!  A lot is still the same.

Pragmatism on the left says Hillary. She’s got loads of experience and will continue most of the Obama presidency.  But she’s got emails, and drama, and scandal…and Bill.

There is a choice to be made on the right as well.

Passion on the right says Trump.  He’s tough, successful and has a track record of getting things done.  But his campaign is long on bombast and short on specifics.  He’s insulted just about everyone.  Will bombast and insults change DC?  He’s entertaining as hell.  But will he actually change the dysfunction in Washington or just insult it?

Pragmatism says Cruz, or Rubio, or Kasich, or Christie or “Jeb!”  Cruz is a true ideological purist.  But he is a bold faced liar as well.  He claims to be an outsider but he is a sitting member of the dysfunctional senate.  All of his peers hate him…literally hate him!  Carson…zzzzzz!  Kasich, Rubio, Christie, “Jeb!”?…Four with “More of the same” stamped on their foreheads.

Voters are angry!  What will they do?

Passion vs. Pragmatism.

Come Monday night voters in Iowa will be the first to decide.     






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