2019 will mark the end of the Trump presidency.

A few hours from now Democrats will officially take control of the House of Representatives.  Led by Nancy Pelosi, arguably the most savvy politician in our generation, Democrats will return congress to the equal branch of government envisioned by the Founders.  One that takes both its legislative AND oversight duties seriously.

No longer will the House of Representatives serve as sycophantic toadies to the erratic whims of Trump’s White House.  Democrats will use their subpoena power to shine the light of truth on what is without question the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic.  The Trump presidency, his crime family and his cadre of misfits and grifters will be exposed for what they really are.  From conspiring with the Russians to win the presidency, to self dealing, money laundering, wire fraud, tax evasion and violations of campaign finance laws; the criminal enterprise that stains this White House will be revealed.

It should not have come to this.

Republicans have shamefully shirked their oversight responsibilities in cowardly fealty to this president.  Their self-serving priorities have allowed Trump to damage America’s standing throughout the world.  For the past two years have dismissed his erratic and dangerous behavior and touted his tax cuts and growing economy.

But the markets are tanking and the GDP is slowing.  Without a strong economy Trump and his Republican cronies have nothing to crow about.  All that is left are the lies and the chaos.

The country took notice and in November they voted to put a in place a check on this president.

The Mueller investigation is closing in.  The House of Representatives will now undertake its own investigation into Trump’s world.

The end is nigh.

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