The brazen indifference Donald Trump demonstrates towards his follower’s intellect knows no bounds.

Since news of the murder of Washington journalist Jamal Khashoggi by a Saudi hit team exploded in the media, Trump has used a lucrative $110 billion dollar Saudi arms deal as an excuse for not strongly condemning the treachery of the Royal Crown Prince.  Time after time Trump raises this confliction while taking credit for what he claims is  “the largest arms deal in history that will bring over a million jobs” to our country.

Unfortunately for Trump and the adoring sycophants that flock to his rallies, none of it is true.

First of all there is no arms deal with the Saudis.  There is a Saudi “wish list” detailing possible future American manufactured arms purchases by the Saudis in the years to come.  It is a “wish list” cobbled together by the Saudis and…the Obama administration…not Trump.  It is a “wish list” that the Saudis, in spite of their immense wealth,  have no financial means of affording at this time.

Second, the job numbers that Trump is quoting are as bogus as the 5,000+ other lies that he has spewed during his nearly two years in office.  We know this because Trump changes the numbers almost every time he quotes them as gospel.  Axios documents the lying timeline for us.

In March of 2018 Trump said the deal would generate “40,000 jobs.”  On October 13, 2018 Trump said the Saudi deal would create “450,000 jobs.”  On October 17, 2019 Trump told Fox Business News the deal would crate “500,000 jobs.”  During a signing lunchtime ceremony on October 18, 2018  Trump bragged that the deal would create “600,000 jobs” and just hours later that same day he raised his claim to “over a million jobs.”

And the citizens of Trump Land believed every word.

I have written previously that Trump believes the American people in general, and his base in particular, are stupid.  I take no joy in saying this but Trump’s daily words and actions continue to prove my point.  This “bs” arms deal merely the latest example.  Under what normal circumstances would any thinking individual believe such a rambling inconsistent tale?  Only in Trump Land; where “truth is not truth” and “alternate facts” become a convenient reality.

As Trump grows more and more comfortable in his role as president you can see him become more and more embolden in his willingness to assail the truth whenever it suits him.

For example…sensing the need to bolster his Republican base for the upcoming mid-terms; Trump is now telling his followers that his administration is working on a second middle class tax cut which he claims will be rolled out prior to the November mid-terms.  That is a nothing more than a bold faced lie designed to sway what Trump believes to be a mind numbingly malleable audience of supporters.  We know this because 1.) congress is not in session and therefore not working on anything and 2.) the members of his own Republican Caucus who would be working on such a bill have come out publicly to denounce Trump’s false claim for what it is.

None of which seems to matter to the amenable hoards living in the fantasy world of Trump Land.

The Trump lies continue because Trump is certain his followers are intellectually challenged enough to believe them.





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