Donald Trump’s blatant disregard for the constitution and the rule of law has been well documented.  Trump’s aberrant behavior is exceeded only by the obsequiousness of his supporters who blindly condone his every move.  To those bow in subservience to Trump’s autocracy and see the investigations in his behavior as a “witch hunt”; I ask you to consider the following…

What would Republicans do if it President Obama blatantly lied to the public on a daily basis?

What would Republicans do if President Obama banned all members of a particular faith from entering the country?

What would Republicans do if President Obama labeled members of a given race rapists, criminals and drug dealers?

What would Republicans do if President Obama, as a means of deterring immigrants from entering our country, ordered the children of both legal and illegal immigrants entering our borders  to be separated from their parents and shipped to random destinations across the country without any method to reunite them at some later date?

What would Republicans do if President Obama insulted a Gold Star family and told a Gold Star widow that her dead husband:  “knew what he was signing up for.”?

What would Republicans do if President Obama shirked responsibility for a failed military operation that he had ordered?

What would Republicans do if the intelligence community said that the Russians meddled in the general election to elect Barak Obama president?

What would Republicans do if there was evidence that the Obama Campaign assisted the Russians in that endeavor?

What would Republicans do if the FBI initiated a counterintelligence investigation into whether the Obama Campaign conspired with the Russians to get Obama elected?

What would Republicans due if Barak Obama was the target of an FBI counterintelligence investigation?

What would Republicans do if President Obama fired the Director of the FBI and later told the media that he fired the director to quash an FBI investigation into Russia’s meddling?

What would Republicans do if President Obama was named by the SDNY as an unindicted co-conspirator on two counts of felony campaign finance violation for paying hush money to mistresses in order to influence the election?

What would Republicans do if President Obama asked the acting attorney general to place one of Obama’s appointments in charge of that SDNY investigation?

What would Republicans do if Barak Obama’s campaign manager and deputy campaign manager were found to have colluded with a member of Russian intelligence; passing him valuable election polling data.

What would Republicans due if President Obama’s national security director failed to notify the government that he was a paid lobbyist for the Turkish government?

What would Republicans due if President Obama’s national security advisor lied to FBI investigators and pled guilty to perjury charges?

What would Republicans due if President Obama’s national security advisor was found to have attempted to illegally sell nuclear technology to the Saudis?

What would Republicans due if President Obama’s personal attorney, campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, national security advisor, foreign policy advisor and chief political strategist were indicted, found guilty or pled guilty to federal charges?

What would Republicans do if President Obama chose to believe Vladimir Putin’s views on foreign affairs rather than those of the US intelligence community?

What would Republicans do if President Obama, while expressing his deep obsequiousness toward Putin, met with the Russian president on private on five separate occasions and refused to brief American officials on the details of those meetings?  Even going so far as to destroy the interpreters notes so there would be no written record of the conversations.

What would Republicans do if President Barak Obama engaged in the behavior that President Trump has publicly displayed these past two years?

The answer, of course is obvious.  Republicans would file articles of impeachment in a heartbeat.

That spineless Republicans and sycophantic supporters remain on the sideline while Trump ravages the constitution, offers damning testimony to their character and their patriotism.





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